Robert Spangle’s Menswear 10 Commandments
You know when a job posting reads, “Those with experience in a similar or related field will be considered”? Well, you could say that Robert Spangle’s background — first, serving in Force Recon with the United States Marine Corps in Afghanistan, and subsequently apprenticing at Savile Row tailor Maurice Sedwell — provided a pretty solid grounding for his current line of employment.
Having swapped scissors and assault rifles for an SLR, today, as an eagle-eyed street style photographer, Robert can be found deployed on the world’s fashion frontlines, ducking and weaving, expertly sizing up the sartorial firepower of his targets — and taking their dandy asses down.
These are the 10 key menswear lessons this American snapper (who operates under the moniker Thousand Yard Style) has gleaned during his various tours of duty shooting dapper dudes and beauties.
10. “Tell a story. Men’s style almost entirely comprises heroic archetypes — the industrialist, the war hero, the athlete, the rebel… Taking inspiration from these is effusing values to the outside world, communicating beyond language or the visual. Whether it’s fiction or a biography, the narrative power of style is also one of its most enjoyable aspects. Style is never without substance. A life well lived is a wardrobe worn well.”
9. “Know your body. Your build, proportions, hair colour, skintone — these are your palette. Characteristics can become character with understanding, and disaster if ignored.”
8. “Never stop learning. Often times, proponents of style will say ‘style is forever’, a constant in a world of constant change. Style evolves just at we do, don’t be afraid to take influence, explore and experiment.”
7. “Lose your biases. The world is getting smaller every day. Avoid sticking strictly to your own national dress, or anyone else’s.”
6. “Dress for the room. If in doubt, consider the people you’re going to meet in the day ahead, and dress with them in mind.”
Robert 'Thousand Yard Style' Spangle shot by fellow leading documentarians of mode on the road, Melodie Jeng (this image) and Adam Katz Sinding (main pic).